Due to improvements in the settlement system, if the sales recognition date (recognition date) is after July 1, 2024, the item value will be displayed as an empty array if cancellation/return is completed before purchase confirmation as shown below. In other words, please note that canceled/returned product information is no longer provided in the sales detail query.
"orderId": 91000********,
"saleType": "SALE",
"saleDate": "2024-06-24",
"recognitionDate": "2024-07-01",
"settlementDate": "2024-08-22",
"finalSettlementDate": "2024-08-22",
"deliveryFee": {
"amount": 3000,
"fee": 90,
"feeVat": 9,
"feeRatio": 3,
"settlementAmount": 2901,
"baseAmount": 3000,
"baseFee": 90,
"baseFeeVat": 9,
"remoteAmount": 0,
"remoteFee": 0,
"remoteFeeVat": 0
"items": [