Change incorrectly-registered waybill information.
The shiptrack status of the updated waybill is changed to Shipped (DEPARTURE), and may change according to the tracking information integrated.
<Note> You can change the waybill information ONLY when the shiptrack status is Shipped (DEPARTURE), In Transit (DELIVERING), Delivery Complete (FINAL_DELIVERY) or Direct Courier Delivery (NONE_TRACKING). (Error will occur in other cases)
Example Endpoint
Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Vendor ID
Code Coupang issues to vendors
e.g. A00012345
Body Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Vendor ID
Code Coupang issues to vendors
e.g. A00012345
orderSheetInvoiceApplyDtos | O | Object |
List of orders to be changed to Shipped
shipmentBoxId | O | Number |
Bundled shipping number
orderId | O | Number |
Order number
deliveryCompanyCode | O | String |
Courier code to be changed
invoiceNumber | O | String |
Waybill number to be changed
vendorItemId | O | Number |
Option ID
Enter the option ID of the product for which the waybill will be updated.
splitShipping | O | Boolean |
Split shipping Y/N
● false (single shipping)
Shipping all items in 1 order number with 1 waybill number ● true (split shipping) If splitting items in 1 order and shipping them separately with several waybill numbers |
preSplitShipped | O | Boolean |
Split-shipped Y/N
● false
If not split-shipped (=splitshipping false)
If processing split shipping for the order number for the first time ● true If there is already a split-shipped item in the order number |
estimatedShippingDate | O | String |
(Split shipping) estimated shipping date
Enter in YYYY-MM-DD format for split shipping (optional)
if date is not entered, enter blank as "".
Enter either the waybill number or the estimated shipping date.
Request Example
"vendorId": "A00012345",
"orderSheetInvoiceApplyDtos": [
"shipmentBoxId": 614018634,
"orderId": 2000019631453,
"vendorItemId": 3819657333,
"deliveryCompanyCode": "KDEXP",
"invoiceNumber": 201808231414,
"splitShipping": "False",
"preSplitShipped": "False",
"estimatedShippingDate": ""
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
code | Number |
Server response code
message | String |
Server response message
data | Array |
responseCode | Number |
Status message on the total request result
responseMessage | String |
Status message on the total request result
responseList | Array |
Result set for individual cases
shipmentBoxId | Number |
Bundled shipping number
succeed | Boolean |
Success Y/N
resultCode | String |
Result code
resultMessage | String |
Result message
retryRequired | Boolean |
Retry Y/N
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"responseCode": 0,
"responseMessage": "SUCCESS",
"responseList": [
"shipmentBoxId": 614018634,
"succeed": true,
"resultCode": "OK",
"retryRequired": false,
"resultMessage": null
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) | Error message | Solution |
400 (check request variable) | Incorrect waybill (invoice) number format for CJ Logistics. [6255*****632] | Check if you have entered the correct waybill number. |
400 (check request variable) | CJ Logistics waybill number must be digits only. InvoiceNumber must be number. [6257-6**2-10***] | Check if you have entered the correct waybill number. Make sure the number does not include anything other than numbers. |
400 (check request variable) | Waybill number (invoice number) of Direct Courier Delivery (DIRECT) orders must be digits only. [***] | Enter the waybill number of Direct Courier Delivery (DIRECT) orders in digits. e.g. 202002031830 |
400 (check request variable) | Invalid courier code: | Check if you have entered the correct courier code (deliveryCompanyCode). |
400 (check request variable) | Incorrect waybill (invoice) number format for OO Logistics. [956****734] | Check if you have entered the correct waybill number. |