If a product that does not satisfy the quick refund requirements was returned or picked up, but still remains in the pickup status, sellers may approve applicable return requests. The status will then become return approved and return completed.
Articles in this section
- How do I use an orderId to query a single return PO in the Return/Cancellation Request List Query API ?
- How do I distinguish between a cancellation request made in the Return/Cancellation Request List Query API and an order that was canceled after the delivery order?
- What will happen after I process the request to releae stop with the processing 'already released' API?
- Is there any way to query Coupang's discretionary-cancellation or quick-refund orders?
- Do you have an API that I can call to get data on the additional delivery fee for returns & exchanges?
- There are 3 ways of querying return request list: by days, by minutes and by request itself. Which one should I use?
- What does dedicated courier, integrated courier and manual management mean that appears as returnDeliveryType value when querying return request list?
- Is it possible for Coupang to exclude auto collecting integration for return/exchange request? (Goodsflow exception)
- Is it not possible to get updates on return cancellation/change?
- When I confirm that I received a returned product, how does the status of returned product change?