* Refer to the file attached to this doc for Include files to run an example.
1. Classic ASP POST Request Example
<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Classic ASP RESTful API Client Post Example</title>
<!--#include file="json.asp"-->
<!--#include file="hmac.asp"-->
<!--#include file="buildQuery.asp"-->
'Remote JSON Request
dim url, path, method, params
dim access_key, secret_key, vendorId
dim authorization
dim strjson
access_key = "****"
secret_key = "****"
vendorId = "A*******"
path = "/v2/providers/openapi/apis/api/v4/vendors/" & vendorId & "/returnShippingCenters"
url = "https://api-gateway.coupang.com" & path
method = "POST"
response.write params & "<br/>"
response.write method & path & "<br/>"
authorization = generateHmac(path, method, params, access_key, secret_key)
response.write authorization
response.write "<br/>"
strjson = "{ ""userId"": ""coupang20"", ""vendorId"": ""A*******"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""shippingPlaceName"": ""tes789020"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""goodsflowInfoOpenApiDto"": { ""deliverCode"": ""DONGBU"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""contractNumber"": ""85500067"", ""contractCustomerNumber"": ""1231299920"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""vendorCreditFee05kg"": ""2500"", ""vendorCreditFee10kg"": ""2500"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""vendorCreditFee20kg"": ""2500"", ""vendorCashFee05kg"": ""2500"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""vendorCashFee10kg"": ""2500"", ""vendorCashFee20kg"": ""2500"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""consumerCashFee05kg"": ""2500"", ""consumerCashFee10kg"": ""2500"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""consumerCashFee20kg"": ""2500"", ""returnFee05kg"": ""2500"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnFee10kg"": ""2500"", ""returnFee20kg"": ""2500"" }, "
strjson = strjson & " ""placeAddresses"": [ { ""addressType"": ""JIBUN"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""companyContactNumber"": ""02-1234-5678"", ""phoneNumber2"": """", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnZipCode"": ""112207"", ""returnAddress"": ""경기도 파주시 탄현면 월롱산로"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnAddressDetail"": ""294-58"" }, { ""addressType"": ""ROADNAME"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""companyContactNumber"": ""02-1234-5678"", ""phoneNumber2"": """", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnZipCode"": ""112207"", ""returnAddress"": ""경기도 파주시 탄현면 월롱산로"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnAddressDetail"": ""294-58"" } ]}"
set req = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
req.open method, url & "?" & params, false
req.setRequestHeader "Authorization", authorization
req.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-By", vendorId
req.send strjson
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim myJSON
set myJSON = JSON.parse(req.responseText)
response.write req.status
response.write "<br/>"
response.write myJSON.message
response.write "<br/>"
response.write req.responseText
2. Classic ASP GET Request Example
<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Classic ASP RESTful API Client Get Example</title>
<!--#include file="json.asp"-->
<!--#include file="hmac.asp"-->
<!--#include file="buildQuery.asp"-->
'Remote JSON Request
dim url, path, method, params
dim access_key, secret_key, vendorId
dim authorization
access_key = "****"
secret_key = "****"
vendorId = "A*******"
set hash = CreateObject ("Scripting.Dictionary")
hash.add "categoryName", "원피스"
path = "/v2/providers/seller_api/apis/api/v1/marketplace/meta/categories"
url = "https://api-gateway.coupang.com" & path
method = "GET"
httpBuildQuery hash.Keys, hash.Items, hash.Count, params
response.write params & "<br/>"
response.write method & path & "<br/>"
authorization = generateHmac(path, method, params, access_key, secret_key)
response.write authorization
response.write "<br/>"
set req = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
req.open method, url & "?" & params, false
req.setRequestHeader "Authorization", authorization
req.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-By", vendorId
req.send ""
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim myJSON
set myJSON = JSON.parse(req.responseText)
response.write req.status
response.write "<br/>"
response.write myJSON.message
response.write "<br/>"
response.write req.responseText
3. Classic ASP PUT Request Example
<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Classic ASP RESTful API Client Put Example</title>
<!--#include file="json.asp"-->
<!--#include file="hmac.asp"-->
<!--#include file="buildQuery.asp"-->
'Remote JSON Request
dim url, path, method, params
dim access_key, secret_key, vendorId, returnCenterCode
dim authorization
dim strjson
access_key = "****"
secret_key = "****"
vendorId = "A*******"
returnCenterCode = "1**********"
path = "/v2/providers/openapi/apis/api/v4/vendors/" & vendorId & "/returnShippingCenters/" & returnCenterCode
url = "https://api-gateway.coupang.com" & path
method = "PUT"
response.write params & "<br/>"
response.write method & path & "<br/>"
authorization = generateHmac(path, method, params, access_key, secret_key)
response.write authorization
response.write "<br/>"
strjson = "{ ""vendorId"": ""A*******"", ""returnCenterCode"": ""1000461782"", ""shippingPlaceName"": "
strjson = strjson & " ""almong_classic_asp_test"", ""userId"": ""test@1"", ""placeAddresses"": [ { "
strjson = strjson & " ""addressType"": ""JIBUN"", ""companyContactNumber"": ""1234-2345-6666"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""phoneNumber2"": ""0120-2345-6666"", ""returnZipCode"": ""10516"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnAddress"": ""경기도 파주시 탄현면 월롱산로 294-58 ()"", ""returnAddressDetail"": "
strjson = strjson & " ""경기도 파주시 탄현면 금승리 "" } ], ""goodsflowInfoOpenApiDto"": { "
strjson = strjson & " ""vendorCreditFee05kg"": ""1"", ""vendorCreditFee10kg"": ""1"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""vendorCreditFee20kg"": ""1"", ""vendorCashFee05kg"": ""1"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""vendorCashFee10kg"": ""2"", ""vendorCashFee20kg"": ""2"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""consumerCashFee05kg"": ""2"", ""consumerCashFee10kg"": ""2"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""consumerCashFee20kg"": ""3"", ""returnFee05kg"": ""1"", "
strjson = strjson & " ""returnFee10kg"": ""2"", ""returnFee20kg"": ""3"" }}"
set req = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
req.open method, url & "?" & params, false
req.setRequestHeader "Authorization", authorization
req.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-By", vendorId
req.send strjson
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim myJSON
set myJSON = JSON.parse(req.responseText)
response.write req.status
response.write "<br/>"
response.write myJSON.message
response.write "<br/>"
response.write req.responseText
4. Classic ASP DELETE Request Example
<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
<title>Classic ASP RESTful API Client Delete Example</title>
<!--#include file="json.asp"-->
<!--#include file="hmac.asp"-->
<!--#include file="buildQuery.asp"-->
'Remote JSON Request
dim url, path, method, params
dim access_key, secret_key, vendorId, sellerProductId
dim authorization
access_key = "****"
secret_key = "****"
vendorId = "A*******"
sellerProductId = "5*******4"
path = "/v2/providers/seller_api/apis/api/v1/marketplace/seller-products/" & sellerProductId
url = "https://api-gateway.coupang.com" & path
method = "DELETE"
response.write params & "<br/>"
response.write method & path & "<br/>"
authorization = generateHmac(path, method, params, access_key, secret_key)
response.write authorization
response.write "<br/>"
set req = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
req.open method, url & "?" & params, false
req.setRequestHeader "Authorization", authorization
req.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-By", vendorId
req.send ""
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim myJSON
set myJSON = JSON.parse(req.responseText)
response.write req.status
response.write "<br/>"
response.write myJSON.message
response.write "<br/>"
response.write req.responseText