This site offers information to help developers to conduct OPEN API integration, including product registration guide, workflow, Hmac guide and FAQ.
1. What you need before integration
Before starting integration, please create a seller's account in WING. There is no process required for using OPEN API - just issue an OPEN API Key in Wing.
2. Check the guide prior to integration
3. Utilize Workflow
You can build structures more efficiently by using the workflow.
4. Refer to API docs
API Docs offer instruction and examples in detail for each parameter used for API.
5. Terms
sellerProductId | Registered product ID |
ID issued when a product is created. It's an immutable ID used for products to be managed at a group level. |
productId | Exposed product ID | A unit for exposing the product in Coupang. Item and Vendoritem are under Exposed product ID. It can change anytime by merging or separation. |
vendorItemId | Option ID | The smallest unit for categorizing product in Coupang (used for product modification or return). It's an immutable ID used as a key since it's the smallest unit. |
externalVendorSku | Seller product code | The seller can input this value arbitrarily when creating a product - so it can be used for management purpose. It can be input at an option (vendoritem) level. The value submitted are shown when searching the PO. |
sellerProductItemId | - | An ID received through calling product search API after creating a product. This value is required when modifying option value of a product. |