You can query registered product information using registered product ID(sellerProductId).
You can also check the option ID(vendorItemId) needed to modify product price/inventory/sales status. Also, by querying product information, you can gain access to product details used to modify products.
Example Endpoint{sellerProductId}
Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
sellerProductId | O | Number |
Registered product ID
Displayed product ID after product creation
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
code | String |
Result code
message | String |
data |
sellerProductId | Number |
Product ID for registration
statusName | String |
Status of registered product
심사중/ 임시저장/ 승인대기중/ 승인완료/ 부분승인완료/ 승인반려/ 상품삭제
The corresponding meanings are Under review / Temporarily saved / Awaiting approval / Approved / Partially approved / Approval denied / Product deleted
displayCategoryCode | Number |
Display category code
Check by using category list query API or downloading the category info excel
sellerProductName | String |
Product name for registration
Product name used in PO
vendorId | String |
Vendor ID
Unique code issued to vendor by Coupang
saleStartedAt | String |
Starting date of sales
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" format
saleEndedAt | String |
Ending date of sales
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" format, *can input up to 2099
displayProductName | String |
Product name for display
Actual product name to be displayed on Coupang product detail page; subject to change due to changes in brand, product name or product family
brand | String |
Input official brand name in Korean/ English
generalProductName | String |
Product name
Product name without buying option[Attribute exposed] info (e.g., size, color, etc.)
productGroup | String |
Product category
Represents product type; can refer to display category's final leaf category name. No need to input if identical with product name [generalProductName]
deliveryMethod | String |
Delivery method
deliveryCompanyCode | String |
Courier code
deliveryChargeType | String |
Delivery fee type
● For free delivery:
set up amount for initial shipping fee on return (one-way)[deliveryChargeOnReturn] and return shipping fee (one-way)[returnCharge] ● For paid delivery: set up amount for standard shipping fee[deliveryCharge] and return shipping fee (one-way) ● For conditional free delivery: set up amount for standard shipping fee and return shipping fee (one-way) ● For fee on arrival: Categories applicable for fee on arrival are predefined and shared with seller support center to guide vendors. ※ For [CONDITIONAL_FREE], you may freely set a conditional amount.
deliveryCharge | Number |
Standard delivery fee
Input one-way delivery fee amount for paid delivery and conditional free delivery
freeShipOverAmount | Number |
Conditional amount for free delivery
● Ex) if you want to set condition of at least 10,000 won for free delivery, set [deliveryChargeType] to 'CONDITIONAL_FREE' and input 10000 for [freeShipOverAmount].
※ must input 100 won units or more
※ input 0 for free delivery |
deliveryChargeOnReturn | Number |
Initial shipping fee on return
Shipping fee paid by customer for free delivery return
remoteAreaDeliverable | String |
Remote area deliverability
unionDeliveryType | String |
Bundled delivery availability
※ Condition for bundled delivery:
shipping location info mandatory (only products with same shipping location can be bundle delivered) Cannot block paid on arrival option |
returnCenterCode | String |
Return location center code
Check after registering delivery location in Coupang Wing
returnChargeName | String |
Return location name
Check after registering delivery location in Coupang Wing
companyContactNumber | String |
Return location contact number
Check after registering delivery location in Coupang Wing
returnZipCode | String |
Return location postal code
Check after registering delivery location in Coupang Wing
returnAddress | String |
Return location address
Check after registering delivery location in Coupang Wing
returnAddressDetail | String |
Return location detail address
Check after registering delivery location in Coupang Wing
returnCharge | Number |
Return shipping fee
One-way delivery fee for picking up return product
outboundShippingPlaceCode | Number |
Shipping location address code
Mandatory when selecting bundled delivery. Check by using shipping location query API
vendorUserId | String |
Actual user ID (Coupang Wing ID)
User ID affiliated to the vendor
requested | Boolean |
Request for automatic approval Y/N
items | List |
Vendor item option list
sellerProductItemId | Number |
Vendor item option ID
isAutoGenerated | String |
Auto-generated option (true or false)
In case of Auto-generated option, it is displayed as true.
vendorItemId | Number |
Option ID
This value will be null if item is temporarily saved. It will be displayed after item is approved.
itemName | String |
Vendor item option name
originalPrice | Number |
Original base price for discount
Price before discount used to calculate discount rate (%). It will be displayed as "Coupang price" if the input price is identical to sale price. Can use [change option level original base price] API to change this post-approval
salePrice | Number |
Sale price
Input sale price
During "initial" product registration, sale price can be entered only before requesting product approval. Once approved, sale price can be changed through [Change option level price] API. |
maximumBuyCount | Number |
Quantity available for sale
Input inventory quantity available for sale
During "initial" product registration, sale price can be entered only before requesting product approval. Once approved, sale price can be changed through [Change option level price] API.
maximumBuyForPerson | Number |
Max order quantity per person
Maximum orderable quantity per person
Input '0' if unlimited
ex) If max. order quantity per person is set to 100, max. order quantity period set at 3, one person can buy up to 100 units within a 3-day period
maximumBuyForPersonPeriod | Number |
Max order quantity period
Maximum period for buying max order quantity
Input '1' if unlimited ex) If max. order quantity per person is set to 100, max. order quantity period set at 3, one person can buy up to 100 units within a 3-day period
outboundShippingTimeDay | Number |
Outbound shipping day (day)
Input how many days after order date (D-day) will the order be outbounded
ex) input '1' if outbound is next day (D+1)
adultOnly | String |
Aged 19 or higher
taxType | String |
parallelImported | String |
Parallel import Y/N
overseasPurchased | String |
Overseas purchased Y/N
pccNeeded | Boolean |
PCC(personal customs clearance code) needed Y/N
Whether PCC is required for overseas purchased products
default value: not required (false); must input PCC if value is 'true', not needed otherwise |
bestPriceGuaranteed3P | Boolean |
Lowest price guaranteed Y/N
externalVendorSku | String |
Vendor product code (vendor SKU code)
Can arbitrarily set vendor's unique item code value; included in PO query API response
barcode | String |
emptyBarcode | Boolean |
No barcode
True if there is no barcode
emptyBarcodeReason | String |
Reason for no barcode (max. 100 characters)
modelNo | String |
Model number
extraProperties |
Vendor product option additional info
Can repeatedly input in Key : Value format as needed
Key | String |
certifications | List |
Product certification info
Product certification info
certificationType | String |
Product certification info type
You can find the appropriate type by using the category meta data query API.
For categories that do not require certification: NOT_REQUIRED |
certificationCode | String |
Product certification info code
Code issued by certification authority
certificationAttachments | List<Map<String,String>> |
Certification info attachments
The key of Map is fixed with below two and there is only one of them is needed: 1. vendorPath: if the image is not from Coupang CDN Server 2. cdnPath: if the image is already uploaded to Coupang CDN Server Note: for registering mobile phone with category (displayCategoryCode = 62600, Consumer Electronics>Cell Phone/Tablet PC/Accessories>Cell Phone/Tablet PC>Cell Phone>Unregistered Phones), you can upload below files by setting image url in the attachments.
1. Mobile communication certificate
2. Certification mark
Example: |
searchTags | List |
Can input repeatedly as needed
images | List |
Image list
Can input repeatedly as needed
imageOrder | Number |
Image display order
imageType | String |
Image type
Representative image type
Can upload square image under 3MB in JPG, PNG format (min 500 x 500px, max 5000 x 5000px)
● Mandatory
REPRESENTATION : square main image ● Optional DETAIL : other images (can upload up to 9 images) USED_PRODUCT: used item condition image (can upload up to 4 images) |
cdnPath | String |
Coupang CDN path
Direct input if uploaded to Coupang CDN. At least one of vendorPath or cdnPath is required
vendorPath | String |
Vendor image path
Image path used by vendor. If path starts with http://, it will be automatically downloaded and added to Coupang CDN. At least one of vendorPath or cdnPath is required
notices | List |
Product notice info list
noticeCategoryName | String |
Product notice info category name
Input one of the product notice info category for each category
noticeCategoryDetailName | String |
Product notice info category detail name
content | String |
attributes | List |
Option list (attributes)
List of input attributes as predefined by each category level. You can only query attributes that have been input before approval. Once approved, you can query all attributes recommended to expose the relevant product in Coupang catalog. Attributes that are not input will be displayed as "" as its attributeValueName. Additionally, product attributes can be automatically extracted and added by the Coupang system. (refer to Response Example)
attributeTypeName | String |
Attribute type name
attributeValueName | String |
Attribute value
exposed | String |
Field for checking purchase option/search option
EXPOSED : purchase option
NONE : search option |
editable | String |
Field for checking editability
true : editable
false : not editable |
contents | List |
Contents list
Can repeatedly input as needed
contentsType | String |
Contents type
contentDetails | List |
Detailed content list
content | String |
detailType | String |
Detailed type
offerCondition | String |
Product condition
Cannot change offerCondition after product is created
offerDescription | String |
Used item detailed description
Describe condition of used item (max. 700 characters)
Can input only if offerCondition is input as used
requiredDocuments | List |
Input if required documents are mandatory
templateName | String |
Required document template name
documentPath | String |
Required document Coupang CDN path
At least one of documentPath or vendorDocumentPath is required
vendorDocumentPath | String |
Required document vendor path
If required document path starts with http://, then it will be automatically downloaded and added to Coupang CDN. At least one of documentPath or vendorDocumentPath is required.
extraInfoMessage | String |
Message with information on made to orders
Message to be displayed when customers select delivery type "made to order"
manufacture | String |
bundleInfo | Map<String,String> | Bundle product | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
bundleType | String |
Bundle product type
● SINGLE : Same Composition Products (Default value) ● AB : Mixed Composition Products When registering a mixed composition product, you cannot configure options, and after adding bundle product information, you cannot modify the bundle product value. This is considered the same as registering a new product and is applied accordingly. |
Response Example
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "",
"data": {
"sellerProductId": 123459542,
"sellerProductName": "test_클렌징오일_관리용_상품명",
"displayCategoryCode": 56137,
"categoryId": 1617,
"productId": 131023672,
"vendorId": "A0001235",
"mdId": "NLUP",
"mdName": "dummy",
"saleStartedAt": "2019-01-09T18:41:14",
"saleEndedAt": "2099-01-01T23:59:59",
"displayProductName": "해피바스 솝베리 클렌징 오일",
"brand": "해피바스",
"generalProductName": "솝베리 클렌징 오일",
"productGroup": "클렌징 오일",
"statusName": "승인완료",
"deliveryMethod": "VENDOR_DIRECT",
"deliveryCompanyCode": "KDEXP",
"deliveryChargeType": "FREE",
"deliveryCharge": 0,
"freeShipOverAmount": 0,
"deliveryChargeOnReturn": 2500,
"deliverySurcharge": 0,
"remoteAreaDeliverable": "N",
"bundlePackingDelivery": 0,
"unionDeliveryType": "UNION_DELIVERY",
"returnCenterCode": "1234274592",
"returnChargeName": "반품지_1",
"companyContactNumber": "02-1234-678",
"returnZipCode": "06168",
"returnAddress": "서울특별시 강남구 삼성동",
"returnAddressDetail": "1-23 19층",
"returnCharge": 2500,
"outboundShippingPlaceCode": 74010,
"vendorUserId": "wing_loginId_123",
"requested": false,
"items": [
"offerCondition": "NEW",
"offerDescription": null,
"sellerProductItemId": 1271845812,
"vendorItemId": 4279191312,
"itemId": 362266710,
"itemName": "200ml_1개_(변경될수있음)",
"originalPrice": 0,
"salePrice": 1280960,
"supplyPrice": 1111873,
"maximumBuyCount": 1,
"maximumBuyForPerson": 0,
"outboundShippingTimeDay": 2,
"maximumBuyForPersonPeriod": 1,
"unitCount": 1,
"adultOnly": "EVERYONE",
"freePriceType": null,
"taxType": "TAX",
"parallelImported": "NOT_PARALLEL_IMPORTED",
"overseasPurchased": "NOT_OVERSEAS_PURCHASED",
"externalVendorSku": "0001",
"pccNeeded": false,
"bestPriceGuaranteed3P": false,
"emptyBarcode": true,
"emptyBarcodeReason": "상품확인불가_바코드없음사유",
"barcode": null,
"saleAgentCommission": 9,
"modelNo": "171717",
"images": [
"imageOrder": 0,
"imageType": "REPRESENTATION",
"cdnPath": "vendor_inventory/images/2019/01/09/18/9/3c1cee6d-9ab1-454a-8742-de94215cab1b.jpg",
"vendorPath": "151009021007000006.jpg"
"imageOrder": 1,
"imageType": "DETAIL",
"cdnPath": "vendor_inventory/images/2019/01/09/18/4/b43651a8-974e-4965-a650-9238ea1ecc15.jpg",
"vendorPath": "plg27673_0000004440.jpg"
"notices": [
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "용량(중량)",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제품 주요 사양",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용기한 또는 개봉 후 사용기간",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용방법",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조업자 및 제조판매업자",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조국",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "화장품법에 따라 기재, 표시하여야 하는 모든 성분",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "식품의약품안전처 심사 필 유무",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용할 때 주의사항",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "품질보증기준",
"content": "제품 이상 시 공정거래위원회 고시 소비자분쟁해결기준에 의거 보상합니다."
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "소비자상담관련 전화번호",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"attributes": [
"attributeTypeName": "피부타입",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "NONE",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "피부고민",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "NONE",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "수량",
"attributeValueName": "1개",
"exposed": "EXPOSED",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "개당 중량",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "EXPOSED",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "사용 부위",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "NONE",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "개당 용량",
"attributeValueName": "200ml",
"exposed": "EXPOSED",
"editable": true
"contents": [
"contentsType": "TEXT",
"contentDetails": [
"content": "<div><\/div> <div> <img src=\"\"> <div><\/div> <\/div>",
"detailType": "TEXT"
"certifications": [
"certificationType": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"certificationCode": ""
"extraProperties": {
"transactionType": "manufacturer",
"onlineSalePriceForBooks": "10000",
"coupangSalePrice": "5000",
"businessType": "Beauty"
"searchTags": [
"offerCondition": "NEW",
"offerDescription": null,
"sellerProductItemId": 1271845813,
"vendorItemId": 4279191317,
"itemId": 385617482,
"itemName": "200ml_2개(변경될 수 있음)",
"originalPrice": 13000,
"salePrice": 10000,
"supplyPrice": 8680,
"maximumBuyCount": 1,
"maximumBuyForPerson": 0,
"outboundShippingTimeDay": 2,
"maximumBuyForPersonPeriod": 1,
"unitCount": 1,
"adultOnly": "EVERYONE",
"freePriceType": null,
"taxType": "TAX",
"parallelImported": "NOT_PARALLEL_IMPORTED",
"overseasPurchased": "NOT_OVERSEAS_PURCHASED",
"externalVendorSku": "0001",
"pccNeeded": false,
"bestPriceGuaranteed3P": false,
"emptyBarcode": true,
"emptyBarcodeReason": "상품확인불가_바코드없음사유",
"barcode": null,
"saleAgentCommission": 9,
"modelNo": "171717",
"images": [
"imageOrder": 0,
"imageType": "REPRESENTATION",
"cdnPath": "vendor_inventory/images/2019/01/09/18/7/17173ab4-db79-48ab-8d29-4e1a7126abbf.jpg",
"vendorPath": "151009021007000006.jpg"
"imageOrder": 1,
"imageType": "DETAIL",
"cdnPath": "vendor_inventory/images/2019/01/09/18/3/a455fe6a-ea81-40e8-85ca-547db8d27c16.jpg",
"vendorPath": "plg27673_0000004440.jpg"
"notices": [
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "용량(중량)",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제품 주요 사양",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용기한 또는 개봉 후 사용기간",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용방법",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조업자 및 제조판매업자",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조국",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "화장품법에 따라 기재, 표시하여야 하는 모든 성분",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "식품의약품안전처 심사 필 유무",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용할 때 주의사항",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "품질보증기준",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "소비자상담관련 전화번호",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"attributes": [
"attributeTypeName": "피부타입",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "NONE",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "피부고민",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "NONE",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "수량",
"attributeValueName": "2개",
"exposed": "EXPOSED",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "개당 중량",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "EXPOSED",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "사용 부위",
"attributeValueName": "",
"exposed": "NONE",
"editable": true
"attributeTypeName": "개당 용량",
"attributeValueName": "200ml",
"exposed": "EXPOSED",
"editable": true
"contents": [
"contentsType": "TEXT",
"contentDetails": [
"content": "<div><\/div> <div> <img src=\"\"> <div><\/div> <\/div>",
"detailType": "TEXT"
"certifications": [
"certificationType": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"certificationCode": ""
"extraProperties": {
"transactionType": "manufacturer",
"onlineSalePriceForBooks": "10000",
"coupangSalePrice": "5000",
"businessType": "Beauty"
"searchTags": [
"requiredDocuments": [
"extraInfoMessage": null,
"manufacture": "제조사_테스트",
"bundleInfo": { "bundleType": "SINGLE" }
Error Spec
HTTP Status Code (Error Type) | Error Message | Solution |
400 (Check request variable) | Product information is being registered or modified. Please try again later. [1320***883] | Try again 10 minutes after requesting product registration. |
400 (Check request variable) | Seller[A00123456] cannot query product information of another seller[A0011***5]. | Verify whether registered product ID(sellerProductId) is correct. |
400 (Check request variable) | No data found for this product(123456789). | Verify whether registered product ID(sellerProductId) is correct. |
400 (Check request variable) | Seller product ID [null] must be written in number format only. | Verify whether registered product ID(sellerProductId) is correct. |