Using 'product query API', edit only the value you wish to modify from the JSON message queried and then send the entire JSON message to make for quick modification.
Can modify by inserting [sellerProductId] and [sellerProductItemId] to the request body which was used for product creation
- update/modify option : Insert [sellerProductItemId] and [vendorItemId] at the top of the option item you want to update and modify it to [attributeValueName] and then send
- delete option : Delete value of item you wish to remove (i.e., from an array of items/options) and insert [sellerProductItemId] at the top of the item you wish to keep and then send. (an option that had a record of having been 'approved' cannot be deleted)
- add option : Don't enter [sellerProductItemId] and send by adding items array
※ [sellerProductItemId] can by checked by using Product Query API
※ When it comes to selling price, inventory qty, sale status, and base price for discount rate of item that has been approved, modification can be done not through Product Modification API but via [Change qty/price/on sale or not/base price for discount rate by item] API
Example Endpoint
Request Parameters
Body Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
sellerProductId | O | Number |
Registered product ID
Registered product ID displayed once product creation is complete (data)
displayCategoryCode | O | Number |
Category code displayed
After product is registered, sellers cannot modify it themselves
sellerProductName | O | String |
Registered product name
Product name used on PO (purchase order)
Maximum length : 100 characters
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
Unique code issued to seller by Coupang
saleStartedAt | O | String |
Start date of selling
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" style
saleEndedAt | O | String |
End date of selling
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" style, *Can select as long as up to 2099
displayProductName | String |
Product name displayed
Product name that is actually displayed for sale on Coupang.
Recommend to use the same format as the following: [brand]+[generalProductName], Can register even if the input field is empty. If the field is not inputted, then either [brand]+[generalProductName] or [sellerProductName] can be displayed. Maximum length : 100 characters
brand | String |
In the case of brand name, enter a standard Korean/English name without spaces or special characters
generalProductName | String |
Product name
Product name that does not include purchase option [Attribute exposed] info (size, color, etc.). You can additionally input model name
productGroup | String |
Product group
Type of product; Can enter by referring to the name of the final leaf of exposed category.
Don't need to enter if it overlaps with product name - i.e., [generalProductName] |
deliveryMethod | O | String |
Delivery method
deliveryCompanyCode | O | String |
Courier code
deliveryChargeType | O | String |
Types of shipping fee
● When setting Free Shipping Set the amount for initial shipping fee on return [deliveryChargeOnReturn] (one-way) and return shipping charge [returnCharge](one-way) ● When setting Paid Shipping Set the amount for standard shipping charge [deliveryCharge] and return shipping charge (one-way) ● When setting Conditional Free Shipping Set the amount for standard shipping charge and return shipping charge (one-way) ● When setting COD (collect on delivery) Shipping Categories eligible for COD shipping is separately listed up and shared with Seller Call Center to give guidance to Sellers. ※ By using [CONDITIONAL_FREE], you can separately set conditional free shipping value that you want.
deliveryCharge | O | Number |
Standard shipping charge
Enter one-way shipping fee value in the case of paid shipping or conditional free shipping
freeShipOverAmount | O | Number |
Free shipping threshold
● Example : Say you want to set free shipping threshold of 10,000 won or above, then set [deliveryChargeType] as 'CONDITIONAL_FREE' and then enter 100000 in the [freeShipOverAmount]
※ Can input amount greater than 100 won (at 100 increments)
※ In case of free shipping, input 0 |
deliveryChargeOnReturn | O | Number |
Initial shipping fee on return
In the case of free shipping, return shipping charge paid by Customer
remoteAreaDeliverable | O | String |
Delivery availability to islands & mountain areas
unionDeliveryType | O | String |
Whether it is Bundled Delivery or not
※ Bundled Delivery Condition Entering shipping location info is mandatory (Only items that have the same shipping location info are eligible for bundled delivery) You cannot set the following value: "Cannot set COD (collect on delivery) shipping" |
returnCenterCode | O | String |
Return location center code
After return location is created, input the return location center code extracted
● Return location creation can be done via WING or return location creation API ● If you cannot create return location, you can directly register return location info by entering "NO_RETURN_CENTERCODE" ※ Goodsflow can only be used when a contracted courier is available. Also, inputting return location center code is required. |
returnChargeName | O | String |
Name of person in charge (owner) of return location
Check after registering return location via Coupang WING or return location creation API
companyContactNumber | O | String |
Return location contact number
Check after registering return location via Coupang WING or return location creation API
returnZipCode | O | String |
Return location zip code
Check after registering return location via Coupang WING or return location creation API
returnAddress | O | String |
Return location address
Check after registering return location via Coupang WING or return location creation API
returnAddressDetail | O | String |
Return location address details
Check after registering return location via Coupang WING or return location creation API
returnCharge | O | Number |
Return shipping charge
One-way shipping fee when returned item is picked up
outboundShippingPlaceCode | O | Number |
Shipping location address code
Mandatory when Bundled Delivery is selected. Can be queried via shipping location query API
When selecting Overseas Purchasing Agency (AGENT_BUY), only overseas addresses can be entered.
vendorUserId | O | String |
Actual user ID (Coupang WING ID)
ID of user who belong to Vendor
requested | O | Boolean |
Whether auto approval is requested or not
At product registration, select whether to proceed with requesting auto approval for selling
● false : Merely save what has been written. (If you want to sell then you need to proceed with making the request via Product Approval Request API or WING) ● true : Save and automatically request approval for selling |
items | O | List |
List of vendor's product options
sellerProductItemId | O | Number |
Vendor product option ID
After registration, ID that is granted to respective option. Can be checked via Product Query API
The value is mandatory if you are modifying existing option; When you are adding a new option, enter Null
vendorItemId | O | Number |
Option ID
The value Null indicates it is 'temporarily saved' status. Once product approval is complete, you will see the value. |
itemName | O | String |
Vendor's product option name
Enter such that there's no overlap among individual items
The option name is not exposed on site and can change depending on option purchased Maximum length : 150 characters
originalPrice | O | Number |
Base price for discount rate
Price before discount in order to indicate discount rate (%). If price that is same as selling price is inputted then it is exposed as 'Coupang price (saleprice)'. Modifying this after approval is completed can be done via [Change base price for discount rate by item] API
salePrice | O | Number |
Selling price
Modifying selling price via Product Modification API is only possible before request for product approval has been made
Modifying selling price after approval is complete can be done via [Change price by item] API
maximumBuyCount | O | Number |
Qty that can be sold
Inventory (qty) on hand
Modifying # of units that can be sold via Product Modification API can only be done before request for product approval has been made Modifying inventory after approval is complete can be done via [Change qty by item] API
maximumBuyForPerson | O | Number |
Per-person maximum purchase qty
Maximum qty a person can buy
Enter '0' if there is no limit (example: Say per-person purchase qty limit is 100 and maximum purchase period is 3 days. Then it means, a person can buy up to 100 units in the 3-day period) |
maximumBuyForPersonPeriod | O | Number |
Maximum purchase period
Set a time window during which one person can buy the maximum qty
Enter '1' if there is no limit (example: Say per-person purchase qty limit is 100 and maximum purchase period is 3 days. Then it means, a person can buy up to 100 units in the 3-day period) |
outboundShippingTimeDay | O | Number |
Vendor lead time (Day)
Input using the unit "Day" for estimated shipping day after order day (i.e., D-Day) (If you plan to ship the next day (D+1), then enter '1')
adultOnly | O | String |
Age 19 and above
taxType | O | String |
Whether it is Taxable or not
parallelImported | O | String |
Whether it is Parallel Import or not
overseasPurchased | O | String |
Whether it is Overseas Purchasing Agency or not
pccNeeded | O | Boolean |
PCC(personal customs clearance code) required or not
In the case of overseas purchasing agency(AGENT_BUY), the product PCC must be entered as true.
- default value: not required (false)
externalVendorSku | String |
Seller product code (Vendor product code)
Vendor's unique item code value can be set. The inputted value will be included in PO Query API response.
barcode | String |
Valid, standard product code affixed to product
emptyBarcode | Boolean |
No barcode
true if there is no barcode
emptyBarcodeReason | String |
Reason why there is no barcode
Maximum length : 100 character limit
modelNo | String |
Model number
Model name of the product on offer
extraProperties |
Additional info of the vendor's item (option)
Key : In the form of value. Input repetition is allowed as many times as necessary.
Key | String |
certifications | List |
Product certification info
Product certification info
certificationType | String |
Certification Information Type
You can get registerable types through Category Meta Data Query API
If it is a category not subjected to certification : NOT_REQUIRED |
certificationCode | String |
Product certification information code
Code issued by a certificate authority (accreditation body)
certificationAttachments | List<Map<String,String>> |
Certification info attachments
The key of Map is fixed with below two and there is only one of them is needed: 1. vendorPath: if the image is not from Coupang CDN Server 2. cdnPath: if the image is already uploaded to Coupang CDN Server Note: for registering mobile phone with category (displayCategoryCode = 62600, Consumer Electronics>Cell Phone/Tablet PC/Accessories>Cell Phone/Tablet PC>Cell Phone>Unregistered Phones), you can upload below files by setting image url in the attachments.
1. Mobile communication certificate
2. Certification mark
Example: |
searchTags | List |
Search term
Input repetition is allowed as many times as necessary. ["search word1","search word2"]
One search word cannot exceed 20 characters and up to 20 search words can be inputted. Special characters other than !@#$%^&*-+;:’. cannot be used.
images | O | List |
Image list
Input repetition is allowed as many times as necessary.
imageOrder | O | Number |
Image display order
imageType | O | String |
Image type
Representative image type
A square image that is 3MB or less can be registered in JPG, PNG (minimum 500 x 500px, maximum 5000 x 5000px) ● Mandatory REPRESENTATION : square image; main image ● Optional DETAIL : other image(s) (Up to 9 images can be registered) USED_PRODUCT : image of used item showing its condition (Up to 4 images can be registered) |
cdnPath | O | String |
Coupang CDN path
Directly enter if uploaded on Coupang CDN ; Either one of the following two - i.e., vendorPath and cdnPath - is required
Only 80, 443 port image path can be used. Maximum length : 200 characters
vendorPath | O | String |
Vendor image path
Image path used by vendor. If it is a path that begins with http:// then it is automatically downloaded and added to Coupang CDN. Either one of the following two - i.e., vendorPath and cdnPath - is required
Maximum length : 200 characters
notices | O | List |
List of product display info
Can check and select required display info fields/items via Category Meta Data Query API or excel file containing list of the entire category
noticeCategoryName | O | String |
Category name for product display info
Input one of the product display info categories that can be inputted by category
Can check and select required display info fields/items via Category Meta Data Query API or excel file containing list of the entire category |
noticeCategoryDetailName | O | String |
Category detail name for product display info
content | O | String |
attributes | O | List |
Option list (attributes)
Input option list set on the basis of category
Input repetition is allowed as many times as the number of purchase options you wish to register If all values for purchase option (attribute exposed) overlap, then cannot be registered.
At least one or more must be registered. If you don't want certain attribute to be inputted, then remove it from the attributes list or send by inputting "" for attributeValueName |
attributeTypeName | O | String |
Option type name
Can check and select the right option type name for a given category via Category Meta Data Query API or downloading excel file which lists the entire category
max length: 25 characters
attributeValueName | O | String |
Option value
Input value that corresponds to option type name [attributeTypeName] along with its unit (example : "200ml")
max length: 30 characters
contents | O | List |
Content list
Input repetition is allowed as many times as necessary
contentsType | O | String |
Content Type
contentDetails | O | List |
List of detailed content
content | O | String |
detailType | O | String |
Detailed type
offerCondition | String |
Product status
Cannot change offerCondition after product creation
offerDescription | String |
Detailed description of used product
Describe condition of used items. 700 character limit.
Written only if offerCondition is inputted as Used |
requiredDocuments | List |
Input if required documents is mandatory
templateName | String |
Required documents template name
documentPath | String |
Coupang CDN path for required doc
Either one of the two - i.e., documentPath and vendorDocumentPath - is mandatory
Maximum length : 150 characters |
vendorDocumentPath | String |
Vendor path for required doc
Required doc path. If the path begins with http:// then it will be automatically downloaded and added to Coupang CDN. Either one of the two - i.e., documentPath and vendorDocumentPath - is mandatory
Maximum length : 150 characters |
extraInfoMessage | String |
Made-to-order message
Enter message you need to communicate to customers when 'made-to-order' is selected as the delivery method
manufacture | String |
If you cannot enter accurate manufacturer, you can enter what's been entered in [brand] field
bundleInfo | Map<String,String> | Bundle product | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
bundleType | String |
Bundle product type
● SINGLE : Same Composition Products (Default value) ● AB : Mixed Composition Products When registering a mixed composition product, you cannot configure options, and after adding bundle product information, you cannot modify the bundle product value. This is considered the same as registering a new product and is applied accordingly. |
Request Example
"sellerProductId": 309323422,
"displayCategoryCode": 56137,
"sellerProductName": "test_클렌징오일_수정",
"vendorId": "A00012345",
"saleStartedAt": "2017-11-30T00:00:00",
"saleEndedAt": "2099-01-01T23:59:59",
"displayProductName": "해피바스 솝베리 클렌징 오일",
"brand": "해피바스",
"generalProductName": "솝베리 클렌징 오일",
"productGroup": "클렌징 오일",
"deliveryMethod": "SEQUENCIAL",
"deliveryCompanyCode": "KGB",
"deliveryChargeType": "FREE",
"deliveryCharge": 0,
"freeShipOverAmount": 0,
"deliveryChargeOnReturn": 5000,
"remoteAreaDeliverable": "N",
"unionDeliveryType": "UNION_DELIVERY",
"returnCenterCode": "1000274592",
"returnChargeName": "반품지_1",
"companyContactNumber": "02-1234-678",
"returnZipCode": "135-090",
"returnAddress": "서울특별시 강남구 삼성동",
"returnAddressDetail": "333",
"returnCharge": 5000,
"outboundShippingPlaceCode": "74010",
"vendorUserId": "et5",
"requested": true,
"items": [
"sellerProductItemId": 769536471,
"itemName": "200ml_1개",
"originalPrice": 13000,
"salePrice": 10000,
"maximumBuyCount": "100",
"maximumBuyForPerson": "0",
"outboundShippingTimeDay": "1",
"maximumBuyForPersonPeriod": "1",
"unitCount": 1,
"adultOnly": "EVERYONE",
"taxType": "TAX",
"parallelImported": "NOT_PARALLEL_IMPORTED",
"overseasPurchased": "NOT_OVERSEAS_PURCHASED",
"pccNeeded": "false",
"externalVendorSku": "0001",
"barcode": "",
"emptyBarcode": true,
"emptyBarcodeReason": "상품확인불가_바코드없음사유",
"modelNo": "171717",
"extraProperties": {
"coupangSalePrice": 5000,
"onlineSalePriceForBooks": 10000,
"transactionType": "manufacturer",
"businessType": "Beauty"
"certifications": [
"certificationType": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"certificationCode": ""
"searchTags": [
"images": [
"imageOrder": 0,
"imageType": "REPRESENTATION",
"vendorPath": ""
"imageOrder": 1,
"imageType": "DETAIL",
"vendorPath": ""
"imageOrder": 2,
"imageType": "DETAIL",
"vendorPath": ""
"notices": [
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "용량(중량)",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제품 주요 사양",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용기한 또는 개봉 후 사용기간",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용방법",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조업자 및 제조판매업자",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조국",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "화장품법에 따라 기재, 표시하여야 하는 모든 성분",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "식품의약품안전처 심사 필 유무",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용할 때 주의사항",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "품질보증기준",
"content": "제품 이상 시 공정거래위원회 고시 소비자분쟁해결기준에 의거 보상합니다."
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "소비자상담관련 전화번호",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"attributes": [
"attributeTypeName": "수량",
"attributeValueName": "1개"
"attributeTypeName": "개당 용량",
"attributeValueName": "200ml"
"contents": [
"contentsType": "TEXT",
"contentDetails": [
"content": "<html><div></div><div><img src='' /><div></html>",
"detailType": "TEXT"
"offerCondition": "NEW",
"offerDescription": ""
"sellerProductItemId": 769536472,
"itemName": "200ml_2개",
"originalPrice": 26000,
"salePrice": 20000,
"maximumBuyCount": 100,
"maximumBuyForPerson": 0,
"outboundShippingTimeDay": 2,
"maximumBuyForPersonPeriod": 1,
"unitCount": 1,
"adultOnly": "EVERYONE",
"taxType": "TAX",
"parallelImported": "NOT_PARALLEL_IMPORTED",
"overseasPurchased": "NOT_OVERSEAS_PURCHASED",
"pccNeeded": "false",
"externalVendorSku": "0001",
"barcode": "",
"emptyBarcode": true,
"emptyBarcodeReason": "상품확인불가_바코드없음사유",
"modelNo": "171717",
"extraProperties": {
"coupangSalePrice": 5000,
"onlineSalePriceForBooks": 10000,
"transactionType": "manufacturer",
"businessType": "Beauty"
"certifications": [
"certificationType": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"certificationCode": ""
"searchTags": [
"images": [
"imageOrder": 0,
"imageType": "REPRESENTATION",
"vendorPath": ""
"imageOrder": 1,
"imageType": "DETAIL",
"vendorPath": ""
"imageOrder": 2,
"imageType": "DETAIL",
"vendorPath": ""
"notices": [
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "용량(중량)",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제품 주요 사양",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용기한 또는 개봉 후 사용기간",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용방법",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조업자 및 제조판매업자",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "제조국",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "화장품법에 따라 기재, 표시하여야 하는 모든 성분",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "식품의약품안전처 심사 필 유무",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "사용할 때 주의사항",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "품질보증기준",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"noticeCategoryName": "화장품",
"noticeCategoryDetailName": "소비자상담관련 전화번호",
"content": "상세페이지 참조"
"attributes": [
"attributeTypeName": "수량",
"attributeValueName": "2개"
"attributeTypeName": "개당 용량",
"attributeValueName": "200ml"
"contents": [
"contentsType": "TEXT",
"contentDetails": [
"content": "<html><div></div><div><img src='' /><div></html>",
"detailType": "TEXT"
"offerCondition": "NEW",
"offerDescription": ""
"requiredDocuments": [
"templateName": "기타인증서류",
"vendorDocumentPath": ""
"extraInfoMessage": "",
"manufacture": "아모레퍼시픽",
"bundleInfo": {
"bundleType": "SINGLE"
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||
code | String |
result code
message | String |
data | Long |
vendor's product ID
vendor's product ID created
Response Example
"code": "200",
"message": "",
"data": {
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "",
"data": 7770
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) |
error message |
solution |
400 (check parameter requested) |
Mandatory attribute(s) of the category is missing. |
This error occurs when mandatory attribute(s) is missing. Check the required attribute(s) value via the Category Meta Data Query API and then input the value. |
400 (check parameter requested) |
There is an error in the input value. line: 123 |
Check the corresponding lines of the JSON message for parameters, values and array styles to see whether they are correctly inputted. |
400 (check parameter requested) |
Input a correct center code for return location. |
Check whether a correct center code is inputted using and shipping & return location query API |
400 (check parameter requested) |
java.lang.NullPointerException |
Check the requested JSON message for typo. |
400 (check parameter requested) |
Mandatory notification information inputted [example) Manufacturer & Marketing Authorization Holder] is different from that in the Category [example) Cosmetics] |
This error occurs when there is an issue in the notification information (i.e., display info). Check whether the inputted display info ("notices": []) is accurate and correct by querying category meta data. |
400 (check parameter requested) |
If the shipping fee type is conditional free shipping w/ threshold of 19800 won or higher, then Conditional Free is 19800 won and initial shipping fee is 0 won. |
When set as freeShipOverAmount:19800, check whether initial shipping fee - i.e., (deliveryChargeOnReturn) value - is inputted as '0' |
400 (check parameter requested) |
Check [Courier Code] |
When set as islands and mountains for shipping location, only those couriers who registered (remoteAreaDeliverable : "Y") in shipping location can input. |
400 (check parameter requested) |
This error occurs due to wrong authentication information. Check whether authentication is properly conducted. |
400 (check request parameter) | Please check the delivery method. | If you select overseas purchasing agency(AGENT_BUY), check if the shipping address is an overseas shipping address. It is not possible to select a domestic(Korean) delivery address. |
400 (check request parameter) | If the delivery method is a purchasing agent(AGENT_BUY), Coupang makes it mandatory for customers to enter PCCC for delivery. | If you select overseas purchasing agency(AGENT_BUY), check that the pccNeeded parameter value is set to true. |
400 (check request parameter) | bundleInfo cannot be changed. | bundleInfo cannot be changed after initial registration. If you wish to modify it, it will be considered a new product and product registration is required. |