Delivery Workflow is a process after Customer completes payment.
Shipment/Refund API explains shipment/refund processes.
The following 12 APIs are included.
API Document List
- Query a list of POs (daily paging)
- Query a list of POs (minute-level all)
- Query one PO (shipmentBoxId)
- Query one PO (orderId)
- Query a history of delivery status updates
- Update to product in preparation
- Upload waybills
- Update waybills
- Suspend shipment
- Process as already shipped out
- Cancel an order
- Process long delivery delay as delivery completed
* An order is 'auto-refunded' if cancelled by the customer at the status 'Product in preparation.' Make sure to check whether an order is cancelled by the customer before shipment.
* An order cancelled at 'Product in preparation' is updated to 'Return completed' after 'Shipment suspended' or 'Already shipped out.'
* [API to process refund after payment] and [API to cancel at product in preparation] have been combined into [API to cancel ordered products].
* Customers may update their shipping address at 'Payment completed.' Therefore, update the info using [API to query a list of POs] after the status is updated to 'Product in preparation.'