Query one return request using a return application number.
Example Endpoint
https://api-gateway.coupang.com/v2/providers/openapi/apis/api/v4/vendors/A00012697/returnRequests/363585Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
receiptId | O | Number |
Cancellation(return) application number
You can check ReceiptId via return request list query API.
ReceiptId must be a number type.
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
code | String |
Http request status code
Example: 200, 400, 500
message | String |
When succeed or fail, the result message appears.
data | Array |
receiptId | Number |
Cancellation(Return) application number
orderId | Number |
Order number
paymentId | Number |
Payment number
receiptType | String |
Cancellation type
receiptStatus | String |
Cancellation(Return) status
createdAt | String |
Time of cancellation(return) application
modifiedAt | String |
Time that cancellation(Return) status changed for the last time
requesterName | String |
Name of the person who requested return
requesterPhoneNumber | String |
Tel No of the person who requested return
requesterRealPhoneNumber | String |
Actual tel No of the person who requested return
requesterAddress | String |
Collection address
requesterAddressDetail | String |
Detail address of the collection address
requesterZipCode | String |
Zip code of collection address
cancelReasonCategory1 | String |
Return reason category 1
cancelReasonCategory2 | String |
Return reason category 2
cancelReason | String |
Detailed reason of cancellation
cancelCountSum | Number |
Total cancellation
returnDeliveryId | Number |
Return delivery number
returnDeliveryType | String |
Type of return
If a customer shipped return product himself or when there is no product to collect back it is displayed as "".
releaseStopStatus | String |
Status of stop shipping
enclosePrice | Number |
Enclosed shipping fee
faultByType | String |
Fault type
preRefund | Boolean |
Quick refund
completeConfirmType | String |
Type of completed checking
completeConfirmDate | String |
Time of checking completion
returnItems | Array |
List of return items
vendorItemPackageId | Number |
Deal number
*do not use
vendorItemPackageName | String |
Deal name
*do not use
vendorItemId | Number |
Option ID
*We receive return request by vendorItemId. Option ID must be checked in return application
vendorItemName | String |
Option name
cancelCount | Number |
Cancellation quantity
*Partial return is viable. Please check the cancellation(return) quantity.
purchaseCount | Number |
Order quantity
shipmentBoxId | Number |
Original waybill number
sellerProductId | Number |
Product number registered by a seller
sellerProductName | String |
Product name registered by a seller
releaseStatus | String |
Status of product shipping
cancelCompleteUser | String |
Owner who handles order cancellation
(3P_CANCEL: When an order is cancelled at the stage of 'preparing a product') |
returnDeliveryDtos | Array |
Return waybill info
There can be multiple return waybill info by receiptId
deliveryCompanyCode | String |
Return courier code
deliveryInvoiceNo | String |
Return waybill number
Disregard when return waybill number is "" or null.
reasonCode | String |
Return reason code
Download VOC reason code at the top of return request list page to check it.
reasonCodeText | String |
Description of return reason
returnShippingCharge | Long |
Estimated return shipping fee
Response Example
"code": "200",
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"receiptId": 365937,
"orderId": 500004398,
"paymentId": 700003957,
"receiptType": "반품",
"receiptStatus": "RELEASE_STOP_UNCHECKED",
"createdAt": "2016-03-25T13:05:30",
"modifiedAt": "2016-03-25T13:05:30",
"requesterName": "임송이",
"requesterPhoneNumber": "010-****-4043",
"requesterRealPhoneNumber": null,
"requesterAddress": "서울특별시 송파구 송파대로 570 (신천동)",
"requesterAddressDetail": "Tower 730",
"requesterZipCode": "05510",
"cancelReasonCategory1": "고객변심",
"cancelReasonCategory2": "단순변심(사유없음)",
"cancelReason": "테스트",
"cancelCountSum": 1,
"returnDeliveryId": 40453,
"returnDeliveryType": "연동택배",
"releaseStopStatus": "미처리",
"enclosePrice": 0,
"faultByType": "CUSTOMER",
"preRefund": false,
"completeConfirmDate": "",
"completeConfirmType": "미확인",
"returnItems": [
"vendorItemPackageId": 0,
"vendorItemPackageName": "객지/한씨연대기/삼포 가는 길/섬섬옥수/몰개월의 새",
"vendorItemId": 3000001893,
"vendorItemName": "객지/한씨연대기/삼포 가는 길/섬섬옥수/몰개월의 새 1",
"purchaseCount": 1,
"cancelCount": 1,
"shipmentBoxId": 123456789012345678,
"sellerProductId": 130,
"sellerProductName": "객지/한씨연대기/삼포 가는 길/섬섬옥수/몰개월의 새 1",
"releaseStatus": "S",
"cancelCompleteUser": "l******"
"returnDeliveryDtos": [
"deliveryCompanyCode": "DIRECT",
"deliveryInvoiceNo": "201807261200"
"deliveryCompanyCode": "DIRECT",
"deliveryInvoiceNo": "201807261200"
"reasonCode": "CHANGEMIND",
"reasonCodeText": "필요 없어짐 (단순 변심)",
"returnShippingCharge": -3000
Error Spec
HTTP status code(Error type) | Error message | Solution |
400 (Check request parameter) | ReceiptId doesn't belong to the vendorId, or cannot find the Receipt by the given id |
Check the return application number(receiptId) that you query has been cancelled by a customer. You can query it using API to query application number for return cancellation history. Process not to query cancelled return request number any more. |