Paging the registered product list. By adding a parameter to the endpoint URL of the existing product list paging API, you can search only Rocket Growth products separately. Please refer to the green text for the new parameter.
Example endpoint{vendorId}&nextToken={nextToken}&maxPerPage={maxPerSize}&sellerProductId={sellerProductId}&sellerProductName={sellerProductName}&status={status}&manufacture={manufacture}&createdAt={createdAt}&businessType={businessType}
Query String Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
vendorId | O | Number | Seller ID Unique code issued to Vendor by Coupang ex) A00012345 | ||||||||||||||||
nextToken | Number |
Set the parameter as true, if the response message needs to be in new concise format.
For false or no value (where the field is removed from endpoint), the response format will be existing format used for marketplace. |
masPerPage |
# results per page Default : 10, Max: 100 |
sellerProductId | Number | Listed Product Id | |||||||||||||||||
sellerProductName | String |
Listed Product Name Search for listed product name. 20 characters or less |
status | String |
Vendor product status
manufacture | String | Manufacture | |||||||||||||||||
createdAt | String |
Date/time of product listing “yyyy-MM-dd" Ex) Type in “2015-12-17" to query 2025-12-17T00:00:00 ~ 2015-12-17T23:59:59 |
businessTypes | O | String |
If “rocketGrowth” is used as parameter, list of Rocket Growth items or Hybrid items with both Marketplace and Rocket Growth items will be returned.
If no parameter is used, marketplace products or Hybrid products with both Marketplace and Rocket Growth items will be returned, based on old format. |
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | |||
code | String |
Result code SUCCES/ERROR |
message | String | |
nextToken | String |
Next page Null sstring if the next page is unavailable
data | Array | |
sellerProductId | String | Listed product id | |||
sellerProductName |
Listed product Name | |||
displayCategoryCode | Number | Display category code | |||
categoryId |
Category ID | |||
productId | Number | ProductId | |||
vendorId | String | Seller ID | |||
saleStartedAt | String |
Date/time of starting selling "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" format, *can input up to 2099 |
String |
Ending date of sales "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" format, *can input up to 2099 |
brand | String |
Brand Input official brand name in Korean/ English |
statusName | String |
Status of registered product 심사중/ 임시저장/ 승인대기중/ 승인완료/ 부분승인완료/ 승인반려/ 상품삭제 The corresponding meanings are Under review / Temporarily saved / Awaiting approval / Approved / Partially approved / Approval denied / Product deleted |
createdAt | String |
Date/time of product listing "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" format, |
items | Array | ||||
String | Vendor item option name | |||
marketPlaceItemData |
Courier code Link for courier codes |
sellerProductItemId | Vendor item option ID | ||||
vendorItemId |
Option ID This value will be null if item is temporarily saved. It will be displayed after item is approved. |
rocketGrowthItemData | |||||
sellerProductItemId | Vendor item option ID | ||||
vendorItemId |
Option ID This value will be null if item is temporarily saved. It will be displayed after item is approved. |
Response Example
Rocket Growth Product
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "",
“nextToken”:” 30100307028”,
"data": [
"items": [
"itemName": "RED",
"marketPlaceItem": null,
"rocketGrowthItem": {
"vendorInventoryItemId": 30100601902,
"vendorItemId": 123333333
"sellerProductId": 30100307028,
"sellerProductName": "RG test",
"displayCategoryCode": 78361,
"categoryId": 2357,
"productId": null,
"vendorId": "A00159255",
"mdId": null,
"mdName": null,
"saleStartedAt": "2024-06-26T09:00:00",
"saleEndedAt": "2099-12-31T09:00:00",
"brand": "",
"statusName": "승인반려",
"createdAt": "2024-06-26T13:58:37",
"registrationType": "RFM"
Rocket Growth / Marketplace Hybrid Product
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "",
“nextToken”:” 30100307028”,
"data": [
"items": [
"itemName": "RED",
"marketPlaceItem": {
"vendorInventoryItemId": 30100601907,
"vendorItemId": 72300272939
"rocketGrowthItem": {
"vendorInventoryItemId": 30100601908,
"vendorItemId": 72300272940
"sellerProductId": 30100307032,
"sellerProductName": "Hybrid Success",
"displayCategoryCode": 98910,
"categoryId": 7652,
"productId": 2461309585,
"vendorId": "A00159255",
"mdId": null,
"mdName": null,
"saleStartedAt": "2024-06-27T09:00:00",
"saleEndedAt": "2099-12-31T09:00:00",
"brand": "",
"statusName": "승인완료",
"createdAt": "2024-06-27T10:08:28",
"registrationType": "NORMAL"
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) | Error message | How to resolve |
400 (check request parameter) | Vendor code must be entered. | Check if the seller ID (vendorId) is correct. |
400 (check request parameter) | Format of createdAt is `yyyy-MM-dd` |
Check the format of product listing date/time (createdAt): It must be "yyyy-MM-dd." |