Cash back rule information can be searched at an optionID level.
If an optionID (vendorItemId) without cash back is searched, either 404 or 400 error is returned.
Example Endpoint
Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
Unique code issued by Coupang to the seller
예) A00012345
Query String Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
ruleId | O | Number |
Rule ID
Input a rule ID given after the cash back contract is signed
vendorItemId | O | Number |
Option ID
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||
code | Number |
Http request status code
EX) 200, 400, 500
message | String |
Result message based on success or failure
data | Object |
ruleId | Number |
Rule ID
valueType | String |
Cash back type
value | Number |
Cashback amount
Minimum 1
maxAmount | String |
Max cash back amount
Minimum 0, Parameter not required if FIXED or FIXED_WITH_QUANTITY.
vendorItemId | Number |
Option ID
startAt | String |
형태 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
endAt | String |
End date
Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
disabled | boolean |
Whether cash back rule can be applied or not
disabledAt | String |
The date where cash back rule cannot be applied
Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Response Example
"code": "200",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"vendorItemId": "3000000005",
"vendorId": "A00012345",
"valueType": "FIXED",
"value": 1000,
"startAt": "2016-12-29 09:43:54",
"maxAmount": 0,
"ruleId": 1,
"endAt": "2017-01-01 09:43:54",
"disabledAt": null,
"disabled": false
Error Spec
HTTP Status Code (Error Type) | Error Message | Solution |
404 (Check parameter requested) | Can not find promotion with given condition vendorItemId : 7015***6995 | Check whether cash back is applied to the optionID (vendorItemId). |
400 (Check parameter requested) |
VendorItemId can't be null |
Check whether Option ID (VendorItemId) is correctly input. |
400 (Check parameter requested) | Invalid vendorItemId, vendorItemId doesn't exist or doesn't belong to corresponding vendorId | Check whether the optionID (VendorItemID) is correct or cash back is applied. |