API to create new coupons based on ContractID.
Since this is an asynchronous API that only handles requests, you will have to use the response's "requestedId" value to find actual API response through Request status check API.
Since this is an asynchronous API that only handles requests, you will have to use the response's "requestedId" value to find actual API response through Request status check API.
In the case of instant discount coupon, you cannot delete the items eligible for the coupon after the coupon's initial creation.
If you want to delete items eligible for the coupon, then you have to suspend the coupon previously issued coupon and create new coupons.
So carefully select items eligible for coupon at the time of initial coupon creation!
If you want to delete items eligible for the coupon, then you have to suspend the coupon previously issued coupon and create new coupons.
So carefully select items eligible for coupon at the time of initial coupon creation!
Example Endpoint
https://api-gateway.coupang.com/v2/providers/fms/apis/api/v2/vendors/A00012345/couponRequest Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Vendor ID
Unique code issued to vendor by Coupang
Ex) A00012345
Body Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||||||
contractId | O | Number |
Vendor's contract ID
name | O | String |
Promotion name (max 45 characters)
maxDiscountPrice | O | Number |
Maximum discount amount
at least 10 won
discount | O | Number |
Discount rate
startAt | O | String |
Valid start date
Can set valid start date to run from next day 0 AM.
ex) If coupon was created 3 PM, Aug 4, then coupon can be set to be applicable starting 0 AM, Aug 5. |
endAt | O | String |
Valid end date
type | O | String |
Discount method
RATE (fixed discount rate), FIXED_WITH_QUANTITY (fixed discount amount per quantity), PRICE (fixed discount amount)
wowExclusive | Boolean |
Target audience
Users who can use coupon
"true" is only used for products selected for exhibitions such as Goldbox promo exclusive for Rocket Wow members and requires approval in advance.
Request Example
"contractId": "10",
"name": "newCoupon 20180328",
"maxDiscountPrice": "1000",
"discount": "10",
"startAt": "2017-12-08 00:00:00",
"endAt": "2017-12-09 00:00:00",
"type": "PRICE",
"wowExclusive": "false"
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||
code | Number |
server response code
message | String |
server response message
httpStatus | Number |
HTTP Status Code (same value as server response code)
httpStatusMessage | String |
HTTP Status Message (same value as server response message)
errorMessage | String |
Detailed message on server failure reasons for all statuses excluding HTTP Status 200.
data | Object |
run successful or not
success | Boolean |
successful or not
true or false
content | Object |
request ID data to query processing status
requestedId | String |
request ID to query processing status
ex) 1542675975663862164
success | Boolean |
successful or not
true or false
Pagination | null |
no pagination
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"httpStatus": 200,
"httpStatusMessage": "OK",
"errorMessage": "",
"data": {
"success": true,
"content": {
"requestedId": "123543582159745830895",
"success": true
"pagination": null
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) | Error message | Solution |
400 (check request parameter) | Coupon valid period must fall under contract term. (contract term:2017-03-01 00:00:00~2017-12-31 23:59:59) (coupon valid period:2016-12-05 00:00:00~2017-09-05 00:00:00) | Check if coupon valid start and end date fall under contract term. |
400 (check request parameter) | Cannot parse "2017-13-05 00:00:00": Value 13 for monthOfYear must be in the range [1,12] | Check if valid start or end date value has been correctly entered. |
400 (check request parameter) | Cannot parse "2017-08-32 00:00:00": Value 32 for dayOfMonth must be in the range [1,31] | Check if valid start or end date value has been correctly entered. |
400 (check request parameter) | check startAt pattern. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Check if valid start value has been correctly entered. |
400 (check request parameter) | Check endAt pattern. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Check if valid end date value has been correctly entered. |
400 (check request parameter) | Can only input positive number for discount. (discount rate: 1~100; discount amount: 1 or larger) | Check if discount rate (discount) value has been correctly entered. |