This API is used to view the coupon budget status of all contracts that are currently set.
Since the coupon budget is set on a monthly basis in accordance with contract terms and conditions, you can view the contract on a monthly basis.
Since the coupon budget is set on a monthly basis in accordance with contract terms and conditions, you can view the contract on a monthly basis.
Example Endpoint
Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Vendor ID
An unique code Coupang assigns to a vendor
e.g.) A00012345
Query String Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
contractId | Number |
A contract Id (enter -1 for a free contract)
targetMonth | String |
The month for a budget view
You get the view of the current month unless you enter target month.
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||
code | Number |
Server response code
message | String |
Server response message
httpStatus | Number |
HTTP Status Code(the same as server response code)
httpStatusMessage | String |
HTTP Status Message (the same as server response message)
errorMessage | String |
Except for HTTP Status 200, all other statuses contain a message on a detailed reason for server failure.
data | Array |
Budget status list data
success | Boolean |
true or false
content | Array |
Budget status list
contractId | Number |
A vendor contract Id
e.g.) 1, 2
targetMonth | String |
The target month for running a query
e.g.) 2017-08
vendorShareRatio | Number |
A share ratio(%) : A ratio agreed upon with Coupang in the contract
e.g.) 100
totalBudgetAmount | Number |
Budget amount set for the month concerned
e.g.) 1000000
usedBudgetAmount | Number |
Budget amount used for the month concerned
e.g.) 50.00
Pagination | Array |
countPerPage | Number |
Data count per page
e.g.) 10, 20, 30
currentPage | Number |
Current page
e.g.) 1
totalPages | Number |
Total page count
e.g.) 1000
totalElements | Number |
Total element count
e.g.) 1000
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"httpStatus": 200,
"httpStatusMessage": "OK",
"errorMessage": "",
"data": {
"success": true,
"content": [
"contractId": 2,
"targetMonth": "2017-08",
"vendorShareRatio": 100,
"totalBudgetAmount": 1000000,
"usedBudgetAmount": 50
"pagination": null
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) | Error message | Solution |
401 (Check the requested parameter) | Check the vendor access. | Check the vendor Id for correctness. |
400 (Check the requested parameter) | Invalid format: \"2020\" is too short | Check that the target month for running a query is correct. |