You can check the result of your request sent to Instant discount coupon API through the requested Id.
Using the requested Id returned by Coupon creation, cancellation, item creation and item cancellation API calls, you can check your request result(Done/fail).
Using the requested Id returned by Coupon creation, cancellation, item creation and item cancellation API calls, you can check your request result(Done/fail).
Example Endpoint
Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
A vendor ID
An unique code Coupang assigns to a vendor
e.g.) A00012345
requestedId | O | Number |
An Id to run a query on results
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
code | Number |
Server response code
message | String |
Server response message
httpStatus | Number |
HTTP Status Code(the same as server response code)
httpStatusMessage | String |
HTTP Status Message (the same as server response message)
errorMessage | String |
Statuses other than HTTP Status 200 contain a message on why server failed.
data | Object |
Data on done/fail
success | Boolean |
true or false
content | Object |
Request Id to run a query on the status
couponId | Number |
A coupon ID(Wing's coupon number)
e.g.) 70, 85, 778
requestedId | String |
A requested Id to run a query on the status
e.g.) 1542675975663862164
status | String |
Processing status
succeeded | Number |
The No. of "succeeded"
total | Number |
The No. of "requested"(*A total number of vendor item IDs for coupon item creation)
type | String |
Request type
failed | Number |
The No. of "failed"
failedVendorItems | Array |
Details on failed vendor items
reason | String |
Reason for failure
vendorItemId | Long |
The failed vendor item Id
Pagination | null |
No paging
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"httpStatus": 200,
"httpStatusMessage": "OK",
"errorMessage": "",
"data": {
"success": true,
"content": {
"couponId": 778,
"requestedId": "4080133932843441",
"status": "DONE",
"total": 1,
"succeeded": 1,
"failed": 0,
"failedVendorItems": []
"pagination": null
Error Spec
HTTP status code (Error type) | Error message | Solution |
400 (Check the requested parameter) | Check an access to vendor information. | Check that a vendor Id is correctly entered. |
An example of data details on the failed items | failedVendorItems":[{"vendorItemId":32261389517,"reason":"[CIE00] It is not a valid option Id. | Check that an option Id(vendor item Id) is correctly entered. |
An example of data details on the failed items | failedVendorItems":[{"vendorItemId":32261388477,"reason":"[CIR06] An option is not found. | Check that an option Id(vendor item Id) is entered correctly. |
An example of data details on the failed items | failedVendorItems":[{"vendorItemId":3226138847,"reason":"[CIR08] The option concerned already has another coupon issued. | Check that an option ID(vendor item Id) is correctly entered. |