Query downloadable coupon using the couponId(check via response at the time of coupon creation).
Example Endpoint
https://api-gateway.coupang.com/v2/providers/marketplace_openapi/apis/api/v1/coupons/11234224Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
couponId | O | Number |
downloadable coupon ID
(check via response at the time of coupon creation) |
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||
couponId | Number |
coupon ID
used for coupon item creation, coupon deletion & query, and etc.
title | String |
coupon name
name of the page where the given coupon is downloaded
couponType | String |
coupon type
couponStatus | String |
coupon status
exposed as 'STANDBY' at the time of creation
publishedDate | String |
coupon issuance date
(the initial time of coupon item) |
startDate | String |
coupon start date
endDate | String |
coupon end date
appliedOptionCount | Number |
number of vendorId to which coupon is applied
usageAmount | Number |
coupon usage amount
couponPolicies | Number |
coupon ID(Wing's coupon number)
title | String |
name of the given coupon policy
different from the coupon name; it is a name that's exposed when coupon is selected from cart
typeOfDiscount | String |
coupon policy type
description | String |
coupon details
marked as details of the coupon policy name in cart
minimumPrice | Number |
minimum order amount to be eligible for coupon
order threshold that need to be met in order to use coupon |
discount | Number |
coupon discount amount or rate (%)
maximumDiscountPrice | Number |
maximum discount amount
maximum discount amount when it is RATE
expose -1 when it is PRICE |
maximumPerDaily | Number |
maximum number of issuance (1 person / 1 day)
cannot exceed 9,999
Response Example
"couponId": 11234224,
"title": "쿠폰 명칭",
"couponType": "DOWNLOAD",
"couponStatus": "STANDBY",
"publishedDate": "",
"startDate": "2019-05-24 19:55:00",
"endDate": "2019-06-08 11:00:00",
"appliedOptionCount": 0,
"usageAmount": 0,
"couponPolicies": [
"title": "해당쿠폰의 정책 1 명칭",
"typeOfDiscount": "RATE",
"description": "해당정책 안내 문구 작성1",
"minimumPrice": 1000,
"discount": 10,
"maximumDiscountPrice": 2000,
"maximumPerDay": 999
"title": "해당쿠폰의 정책 2 명칭",
"typeOfDiscount": "RATE",
"description": "해당정책 안내 문구 작성2",
"minimumPrice": 2000,
"discount": 20,
"maximumDiscountPrice": 3000,
"maximumPerDay": 999
"title": "해당쿠폰의 정책 3 명칭",
"typeOfDiscount": "RATE",
"description": "해당정책 안내 문구 작성3",
"minimumPrice": 3000,
"discount": 30,
"maximumDiscountPrice": 3400,
"maximumPerDay": 999
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) | error message | solution |
404 (check parameter requested) | The promotion does not exist (228047***) | Check if coupon ID(couponId) value is correctly inputted. |