This API queries issued coupons by status.
Example Endpoint Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
Unique code issued to Vendor by Coupang
ex) A00012345
Query String Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
status | O | String |
page | Number |
Page: 1 by default
Key value to call the next page; enter nothing or '1' to call the 1st page
size | Number |
# of results per page
sort | String |
Sorting (asc, desc)
Ascending by default
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
code | Number |
Server response code
message | String |
Server response message
httpStatus | Number |
HTTP Status Code (same as the server response code)
httpStatusMessage | String |
HTTP Status Message (same as the server response message)
errorMessage | String |
Detailed reason for error other than HTTP Status 200
data | Object |
Coupon list data
success | Boolean |
Success or failure
true or false
content | Array |
Coupon list
contractId | Number |
Contract ID
vendorContractId | Number |
Vendor's contract code (Coupang management code)
ex) -1, 1, 2
couponId | Number |
Coupon ID
discount | Number |
Discount rate
endAt | String |
Effective end date/time
ex) 2017-09-01 00:00:00
maxDiscountPrice | Number |
Max. discount amount
ex) 1000, 10000
promotionName | String |
Promotion name
ex) Dress discount coupon for the 2nd wk of Jan
startAt | String |
Effective start date/time
ex) 2017-08-04 01:00:00
status | String |
Coupon status
type | String |
Discount type
ex) RATE (fixed-rate discount), FIXED_WITH_QUANTITY (fixed-amount discount per quantity) and PRICE (fixed-amount discount)
wowExclusive | Boolean |
Issuance target
false (all: Default)
true (Rocket Wow members)
Pagination | Array |
countPerPage | Number |
Data count per page
ex) 10, 20, 30
currentPage | Number |
Current page
ex) 1
totalPages | Number |
Total page count
ex) 1000
totalElements | Number |
Total data Count
ex) 1000
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"httpStatus": 200,
"httpStatusMessage": "OK",
"errorMessage": "",
"data": {
"success": true,
"content": [
"contractId": 63,
"vendorContractId": null,
"promotionName": null,
"couponId": 2246326,
"status": "APPLIED",
"type": "RATE",
"maxDiscountPrice": 40000,
"discount": 30,
"startAt": "2018-04-03 15:00:00",
"endAt": "2018-04-05 23:59:00",
"wowExclusive": "false"
"contractId": 63,
"vendorContractId": null,
"promotionName": null,
"couponId": 2245939,
"status": "APPLIED",
"type": "RATE",
"maxDiscountPrice": 30000,
"discount": 20,
"startAt": "2018-04-02 18:37:00",
"endAt": "2018-04-05 23:59:00",
"wowExclusive": "false"
"contractId": 63,
"vendorContractId": null,
"promotionName": null,
"couponId": 2121942,
"status": "APPLIED",
"type": "RATE",
"maxDiscountPrice": 10000,
"discount": 5,
"startAt": "2018-03-30 00:01:00",
"endAt": "2018-04-06 23:59:00",
"wowExclusive": "false"
"pagination": {
"currentPage": 1,
"countPerPage": 10,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalElements": 3
Error Spec
HTTP status code (error type) | Error message | How to resolve |
400 (check request parameter) |
Check access to the vendor info. |
Check if the seller ID (vendorId) is correct. |
400 (check request parameter) | Page index must not be less than zero! |
Check if the page value is correct. |