Shipment/Refund API
- In the order list inquiry API response message, SellerProductName and exposed product name are different.
- What do I do when uploading waybill number returns error: INVALID STATUS?
- Is it possible to change the shipping address when the order is in the product in preparation status?
- The 'success' message was returned when calling the changing the status to product in preparation API, but in WING system continues to expose 'payment completed' status.
- I want to suspend shipment. What value do I enter for the "cancelCount" parameter?
- I see splitShipping and ableSplitShipping when collecting POs. I don't exactly know their difference.
- When I register a Direct Courier Delivery (DIRECT) waybill, it is not processed as Delivery Completed.
- Is partial cancellation reflected to a PO?
- When do I use "Shipment suspension API"?
- An error message "Can not change the delivery status. Please check the order history" is exposed.
- When PO (Purchase Order) is collected, shipmentBoxId and orderId are exposed. I don't know the exact difference between the two.
- I don't know what salesPrice(per unit price), orderPrice(price to be paid), and discountPrice(discounted price) mean.
- Can I suspend shipment by item instead of receiptId?
- '[INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR] The cancellation/return quantity doesn't match cancelCount' occurred.
- Waybill upload failed. "Can't upload this waybill as its serial number is already registered in the system (it can be uploaded only if the recipient info is identical)."
- I want split a shipment.
- When I upload a waybill number into an order, a "500 internal exception" error was returned
- Is old address/new address system in ship-to-address not divided when you collect POs?
- Cannot find return info in purchase order list.
- Is it possible to switch product delivery setting from split delivery to bundled delivery?
- An invalid delivery status error occurs.
- I want to set conditional free shipping.
- I cannot find the order that I just created.
- In case of custom-made products, the extraInfoMessage(guide message for custom-made products) has to be entered during the product creation stage. Can you also check this message in the purchase order?
- When do I use Process Already Shipped API?
- What is the difference between date-based / time-based paging / shipmentBoxId / orderId in the PO list query API?
- The following error occurs in the midst of product integration. [code: VALIDATION , error: For general delivery products, the return shipping fee is limited to 100% to 150% of the initial shipping fee on return. Please change the return shipping fee.]