Look up Q&As between Customers and sellers. Sellers can use the API to look up consultations for products on sale.
You may set up to 7 days for the query period range.
Example Endpoint
Request Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
Query String Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
answeredType | O | String |
Answer status
inquiryStartAt | O | String |
Query start date; Format: yyyy-MM-dd
You can query all consultations during the query period (inquiryEndAt - inquiryStartAt < = 7days).
inquiryEndAt | O | String |
Query end date; Format: yyyy-MM-dd
pageNum | Number |
Current page
Default: 1
pageSize | Number |
Page size
Default: 10; Maximum: 50
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||
code | Number |
Server response code
message | String |
Server response message
data | Object |
Query result
content | Array |
inquiryId | Number |
Question Id
Question ID
productId | Number |
Exposed product ID
sellerProductId | Number |
Listed product ID
sellerItemId | Number |
vendorItemId | Number |
Option ID
content | String |
Content of the question
inquiryAt | String |
Query time
"2015-05-18 17:37:39"
orderIds | List |
Order number
buyerEmail | String |
Email address of the inquiring Customer
non-use/empty value("")
commentDtoList | Array |
Answer to the question
inquiryCommentId | Number |
Reply ID
inquiryId | Number |
Question ID
content | String |
Content of the answer to the question
inquiryCommentAt | String |
Answered time
"2015-05-27 10:38:32"
pagination | Object |
Pagination information
currentPage | Number |
Current page
Default: 1
totalPages | Number |
Total number of page
totalElements | Number |
Total number of inquiry
countPerPage | Number |
Total number of inquiry per page
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"content": [
"inquiryId": 39352323,
"productId": 231526161,
"sellerProductId": 786583589,
"sellerItemId": 1891732488,
"vendorItemId": 4855652221,
"content": "포장 3천원 입금하였습니다.",
"inquiryAt": "2019-06-25 01:10:04",
"orderIds": [
"buyerEmail": "",
"commentDtoList": [
"inquiryCommentId": 36881065,
"inquiryId": 39352323,
"content": "고객님 안녕하세요. OOO 입니다. 입금확인되었고 포장하여 금일 출고하겠습니다. 감사합니다.",
"inquiryCommentAt": "2019-06-25 10:06:38"
"inquiryId": 39352273,
"productId": 212844716,
"sellerProductId": 718482283,
"sellerItemId": 1699726710,
"vendorItemId": 4675663991,
"content": "스판이 강한가요?",
"inquiryAt": "2019-06-25 01:05:51",
"orderIds": [],
"buyerEmail": "",
"commentDtoList": [
"inquiryCommentId": 36885408,
"inquiryId": 39352273,
"content": "고객님 안녕하세요. OOO 입니다. 문의주신 제품 스판이 좋은 제품이긴하오나 개개인마다 생각이 다르기 때문에 개인차 있습니다 . 구매시 참고 부탁드립니다 . 감사합니다.",
"inquiryCommentAt": "2019-06-25 11:07:10"
"inquiryId": 39352362,
"productId": 130048576,
"sellerProductId": 375487954,
"sellerItemId": 910365921,
"vendorItemId": 3929087307,
"content": "언제도착입니까? 21일도착예정인데 준비중이고\r\n문의해도 답변없고 취소도 안되고\r\n환불해줘요",
"inquiryAt": "2019-06-25 01:13:58",
"orderIds": [
"buyerEmail": "",
"commentDtoList": [
"inquiryCommentId": 36885330,
"inquiryId": 39352362,
"content": "고객님 안녕하세요. OOO 입니다. 업체에서 확인되는 고객님 주문날짜는 6월24일이며 금일 출고요청된것으로 확인됩니다. 송장은 출고일 저녁 자동 등록되며 혹 구입일이 6월24일 이전일 경우 구매하신 쿠팡고객센터 1577-7011로 문의 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. ",
"inquiryCommentAt": "2019-06-25 11:06:35"
"pagination": {
"currentPage": 6,
"totalPages": 102,
"totalElements": 304,
"countPerPage": 3
Error Spec
HTTP Status Code (Error Type) | Error Message | Solution |
400 (Check Request Parameter) | time interval needs to be less than or equal to 7 days, pattern should be yyyy-MM-dd | Make sure that the query period is 7 days or less. |
400 (Check Time Settings) | Read timed out | Reset the query period (1 day) and page size (10) and make a request again. In case of timeout due to heavy list data, increase the X-EXTENDED-TIMEOUT settings before making the request again. *Relevant FAQ |
400 (Check Request Parameter) | Invalid vendor ID | Make sure that the seller ID (vendorId) is correct. |