You can look up inquiries made to the Coupang Contact Center. Find inquiries that Customers made to the Coupang Contact Center about certain products.
a. If you have both option ID and query period, you can look up all the consultations for the given option ID and query period.
b. If you only have the option ID, you can look up consultations for the given option ID.
c. If you only have the query period, you can look up consultations for the given period.
a. If you have both option ID and query period, you can look up all the consultations for the given option ID and query period.
b. If you only have the option ID, you can look up consultations for the given option ID.
c. If you only have the query period, you can look up consultations for the given period.
You can set up to 7 days for the query period range.
Example Endpoint Parameters
Path Segment Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
Query String Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
vendorId | O | String |
Seller ID
partnerCounselingStatus | O | String |
Inquiry status
inquiryStartAt | String |
Query start date; Format: yyyy-MM-dd
1. Where 'vendorItemId' is null, this parameter must be entered for the query.
You can look up the list of all the consultations between the query start and end dates.(inquiryEndAt - inquiryStartAt = 7d) 2. If you have 'vendorItemId', you do not need this parameter for the query. a. If the query start and end dates are null, you can look up the list of all consultations for the given 'vendorItemId'. b. If you have the query start and end dates, you can look up the list of all the consultations for the given period. |
inquiryEndAt | String |
Query end date; Format: yyyy-MM-dd
orderId | Number |
Order number
Example: 1900000*******
vendorItemId | String |
Option ID
1. If the query start and end dates are null, you must use this parameter to look up the list of all the consultations for the given 'vendorItemId'.
2. If you have the query start and end dates, you do not need to enter this parameter. |
pageNum | Number |
Current page
Default: 1
pageSize | Number |
Page size
Default: 10; Maximum: 30
Request Example
not require body
Response Message
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
code | Number |
Server response code
message | String |
Server response message
data | Object |
content | Array |
inquiryId | Number |
Consultation number
Question ID
inquiryStatus | String |
Inquiry status
Progress or complete
csPartnerCounselingStatus | String |
Answer status
requestAnswer or answered
vendorItemId | Number |
Option ID
itemName | String |
Item name
content | String |
Content of inquiry
Content of question
answeredAt | String |
Answered date
replies | Array |
List of reply
answerId | Number |
Answer ID
parentAnswerId | String |
ID of the inquiry transferred to the parent
partnerTransferStatus | String |
Seller transfer status;
none (not applicable) or requestAnswer (answer requested) or answered (answered)
partnerTransferCompleteReason | String |
Reason for processing the inquiry transferred to the seller
answerType | String |
Type of the person who answered
csAgent (CS agent) or vendor (seller)
needAnswer | Boolean |
Whether an answer is required or not;
True or false
receptionistName | String |
Agent name
receptionist | String |
replyAt | String |
Replied date
content | String |
Content of the answer
inquiryAt | String |
Inquiry date
buyerEmail | String |
non-use/empty value("")
buyerPhone | String |
Customer phone number
orderId | Long |
Order number
Example: 1900000*******
orderDate | String |
Order time/date
receiptCategory | String |
Inquiry type
saleStartedAt | String |
Sales start time/date
saleEndedAt | String |
Sales end time/date
pagination | Object |
Pagination information
currentPage | Number |
Current page
Default: 1
totalPages | Number |
Total number of page
totalElements | Number |
Total number of inquiry
countPerPage | Number |
Number of inquiry per page
Response Example
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"content": [
"inquiryId": 1015668177,
"csPartnerCounselingStatus": "answered",
"inquiryStatus": "progress",
"vendorItemId": [
"itemName": "스파오(SPAO) 인조가죽 A라인 4부 스커트 SPWH749G22, (49)Khaki, L",
"content": "상담이력",
"answeredAt": "2018-01-08 16:56:16",
"replies": [
"receptionistName": "AA몰",
"receptionist": "10000058",
"replyAt": "2018-01-08 16:44:27",
"content": "[판매자이관]\n◼주문번호: 100000*******\n◼아이템: 스파오(SPAO) 인조가죽 A라인 4부 스커트 SPWH749G22, (49)Khaki, L\n◼고객명/연락처: <<***/01*-****-****>>\n◼문의내용: 고객 상품 반송하였다고 합니다. 반송장은 경비실에 맡겨서 모른다고 합니다.\n입고 확인후 환불 처리 부탁 드립니다.\n",
"answerId": 1027082307,
"parentAnswerId": 0,
"partnerTransferStatus": "answered",
"partnerTransferCompleteReason": "NONE",
"answerType": "csAgent",
"needAnswer": false
"receptionistName": "AA몰",
"receptionist": "elandmall",
"replyAt": "2018-01-08 16:56:16",
"content": "안녕하세요, \r\nAA몰입니다.\r\n\r\n1/3일 입고 된것으로 확인됩니다.\r\n\r\n3영업일이 정상 검수기간으로 시일이 소요되기에 양해 바랍니다.\r\n\r\n감사합니다.\r\n",
"answerId": 1027083739,
"parentAnswerId": 0,
"partnerTransferStatus": null,
"partnerTransferCompleteReason": "NONE",
"answerType": "vendor",
"needAnswer": false
"inquiryAt": "2018-01-08 16:43:42",
"buyerEmail": "",
"buyerPhone": "010-****-****",
"orderId": 100000******6,
"orderDate": "2017-12-25 22:23:44",
"receiptCategory": "기타문의>기타>전상담사통화요청",
"saleStartedAt": "2017-12-12",
"saleEndedAt": "2099-12-30"
"inquiryId": 1015664934,
"csPartnerCounselingStatus": "answered",
"inquiryStatus": "progress",
"vendorItemId": [
"itemName": "스파오(SPAO) 몬스터주식회사 맨투맨 (디즈니)_D/GYAY SPMB74VC19, (17)Dark Gray, S",
"content": "상담이력",
"answeredAt": "2018-01-08 16:16:02",
"replies": [
"receptionistName": "AA몰",
"receptionist": "D002236",
"replyAt": "2018-01-08 15:56:11",
"content": "[입고완료이관] \nㅁ 고객명: *****\nㅁ 주문번호:100000*******\nㅁ 반송장번호: ********* CJ대한통운\nㅁ 입고일자: 12/30\n반송장조회 결과 입고완료로 확인됩니다. \n★환불승인★ 부탁드립니다. \n반품입고후 3영업일이 경과되면 환불 자동승인처리가 \n되오니, 입고 상품의 문제발생 시 쿠팡확인요청으로 \n이의제기를 등록해주셔야 합니다.",
"answerId": 1027076645,
"parentAnswerId": 0,
"partnerTransferStatus": "answered",
"partnerTransferCompleteReason": "NONE",
"answerType": "csAgent",
"needAnswer": false
"receptionistName": "AA몰",
"receptionist": "elandmall",
"replyAt": "2018-01-08 16:16:02",
"content": "안녕하세요, \r\nAA몰입니다.\r\n\r\n담당부서측으로 내용 전달 완료 하였습니다.\r\n\r\n금일 내 확인될시 환불진행 하겠으나 , 평균 2영업일 소요되기에 익일까지 양해 바랍니다.\r\n\r\n감사합니다.\r\n",
"answerId": 1027079048,
"parentAnswerId": 0,
"partnerTransferStatus": null,
"partnerTransferCompleteReason": "NONE",
"answerType": "vendor",
"needAnswer": false
"inquiryAt": "2018-01-08 15:55:32",
"buyerEmail": "",
"buyerPhone": "010-****-****",
"orderId": 100000******20,
"orderDate": "2017-12-25 10:07:33",
"receiptCategory": "취소/반품 후단관리>회수확인>고객반송확인",
"saleStartedAt": "2017-12-12",
"saleEndedAt": "2099-12-30"
"pagination": {
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 7,
"totalElements": 13,
"countPerPage": 2
Error Spec
HTTP Status Code (Error Type) | Error Message | Solution |
400 (Check Request Parameter) | time interval needs to be less than or equal to 7 days, pattern should be yyyy-MM-dd | Make sure that the query period is 7 days or less. |
400 (Check Request Parameter) | Invalid vendor ID | Make sure that the seller ID (vendorId) is correct. |